Bottled water has turned out to be one of the most significant water treatment products of our age. Every day you see new brands of bottled water cropping up. Of course the prices as a result of the entry of such new brands have hardly gone down proportionately, if at all. The other accusation which can be brought against the bottled water industry is that they hardly keep quality control measures as a result of which the bottled water too can be as impure s tap water. Home water treatment systems thus could be a desirable alternative to the more expensive bottle water system in terms of quality of water and expenses incurred.
There are a few definite choices when it comes to the home water treatment systems. There is the reverse osmosis technique to purify water. Using the scientific technique of osmosis, this process helps separate the molecules larger than the water molecules in the solution by exposing it to a solution with stronger concentration of pure water molecules. Then the process is reversed. Along with leaving a few dangerous contaminants behind, this system also filters out few minerals which are helpful for humans. Water treatment products often use this system though it is not that dependable or cheap because it might be sufficient under certain conditions.
There are obviously other single unit, point of use home water treatment systems. These involve the usage of faucet mounted filters which take care of the water which is emitted from that particular faucet. Also these could be put to use for showers to get clean bathing water free of air and water pollutants. Personal systems like pitcher purifiers or filter bottles or filter straws are also available in the market as substitutes for systems like reverse osmosis on the one hand and bottled water on the other. Other single unit, point of use water treatment products are the counter top system and the under the counter system. These are hassle free and the latter can actually be designed to save space and not be seen.
Surface pollution by the usage of plastic bottles is becoming a serious issue in this era of global warming. By resorting to home water treatment systems, we could avail of an option which is friendlier to the environment than bottled water.
There are three chief issues when you are deciding on which water treatment products to buy. These would be the health issues, the financial issues and the environmental issues. So apart from judging the benefits chiefly in terms of the immediate availability of the system, think about a few more issues.
You also might want to save enough space in your house or apartment for things other than water treatment products. In such cases you could take into consideration single point of use systems like the counter filters or the faucet filters. Yet again the counter might not have enough space for the filter. Also give a thought to the whole house water treatment systems if you have a large house and a big family.
The costs of installing these filters of any and every kind and their individual product prices are also a concern. Remember that there are subsidiary costs which you need to bear which covers a wide array of replacement units along with maintenance expenses. So choose your home water treatment systems carefully to suit your needs and to fit the budget apart from the other considerations.
But keep the health of the family as the prime concern. With water all over the world becoming more dangerous to drink by every passing day you will necessarily need to have some quality control over the water you use and drink.